Proven process. 
Modern tools.

Empowering innovative companies with a meticulous, tech-enabled process.

Our Focus

We bring a unique focus and deep network specialized in engineering, product, AI & data leadership.

C-Level, SVP, VP, Director
B2B, B2C, Enterprise
Venture-Backed, Public, PE Backed
Our Process

Our proven process is meticulous, efficient, and results in rapid search cycles.

Genuine Care & Understanding

  • Highly consultative approach
  • Deep understanding of client needs
  • Caring and attentive partnerships

Unrivaled Specialization

  • Uniquely positioned in technical searches
  • Focused expertise in engineering, product, AI & data roles
  • Comprehensive understanding of the industry

Meticulous Process

  • Comprehensive onboarding with templates and how-to guides
  • Custom-designed interview process for each client
  • Thorough candidate vetting rubric for evaluation
Our Tools

We’ve built a recruiting stack that powers your end-to-end search process.

Custom Dashboard

For every client, we assemble a personalized dashboard of resources and documents to keep the search streamlined.


We prioritize transparency by maintaining visibility into our talent pipeline, documenting key milestones, candidate feedback, and diversity metrics.

Candidate Dossier

Our industry-leading dossiers tell your unique story, ensuring our compelling outreach captivates top talent from the first interaction.

Candidate Assessment Framework

Our candidate vetting rubric, tailored to your job description, ensures a comprehensive evaluation of each candidate.

How-To Guides & Best Practices

Our clients gain access to our resource library filled with how-to guides, templates, and best practices.

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